学术动态 Research progress

      20212月,我项目成员中国科学院南海海洋研究所修鹏研究员团队在地学顶级期刊《地球物理研究快报》(Geophysical Research Lette)上发表了题为“Impact of atmospheric deposition on carbon export to the deep ocean in the subtropical Northwest Pacific”的研究成果,在大气沉降对深海碳输出的影响机制和模拟方面取得新进展。 

    海洋上层浮游植物通过光合作用生成颗粒有机碳(particulate organic carbon POC),并由海洋表层向深层传输,是海洋固碳的一条重要途径。POC 在被降解之前沉降的深度越深,这部分碳在海洋里储存的时间就越长。因此,海洋深层的POC对于研究海洋长期储碳具有重要的意义。在开阔大洋里,大气沉降带来的氮(N)、磷(P)、铁(Fe)等元素的输入是寡营养海区海洋上层的一个重要营养盐来源,能够影响初级生产力,然而对于其如何影响海洋深层的POC尚缺乏深入的认识。 





英文摘要:The impact of atmospheric deposition on deepocean carbon export in the subtropical Northwest Pacific remains poorly evaluated. Using sediment trap data and a newly improved biogeochemical model, we show that iron deposition in winter and spring and nitrogen deposition in summer and fall are important drivers for the seasonal variability of deep-ocean particulate organic carbon (POC) export flux. Nitrogen deposition can stimulate pico-plankton growth in summer and fall, which leads to increases of microzooplankton and mesozooplankton. The increase of mesozooplankton exerts higher grazing pressure on diatoms in winter and early spring, which then reduces deepocean POC export due to the reduction of ballasting mineral of opal. Iron deposition only affects the region in winter and spring when nitrogen is not a limiting factor for phytoplankton growth; and it can increase deep-ocean POC export by stimulating diatom growth and opal production.

Citation: Xiu, P. and F. Chai, 2021. Impact of Atmospheric Deposition on Carbon Export to the Deep Ocean in the Subtropical Northwest Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(6), doi: org/10.1029/2020GL089640.

